Source code for pyblish.plugin

"""Plug-in system

Works similar to how OSs look for executables; i.e. a number of
absolute paths are searched for a given match. The predicate for
executables is whether or not an extension matches a number of
options, such as ".exe" or ".bat".

In this system, the predicate is whether or not a fname starts
with "validate" and ends with ".py"

    patterns: Regular expressions used for lookup of plugins.


# Standard library
import os
import sys
import types
import logging
import inspect
import warnings
import functools
import contextlib

# Local library
import pyblish
import pyblish.lib
import pyblish.error

from .vendor import yaml
from .vendor import iscompatible

log = logging.getLogger("pyblish.plugin")

class Provider(object):
    """Dependency provider

    This object is given a series of "services" that it then distributes
    to a passed function based on the function's argument signature.

    For example, the function func:`myfunc(a, b)` is given the services
    called "a" and "b", given they have previously been added to the provider.


    def __init__(self):
        self._services = dict()

    def get(self, service):

    def services(self):
        services = pyblish._registered_services.copy()

        # Forwards-compatibility alias
        services["asset"] = services["instance"]

        return services

    def args(cls, func):
        return [a for a in inspect.getargspec(func)[0]
                if a not in ("self", "cls")]

    def invoke(self, func):
        """Supply function `func` with objects to its signature

            KeyError if an argument asked for is not available

            Result of `func`


        args = self.args(func)
        unavailable = [a for a in args if a not in]

        if unavailable:
            raise KeyError("Unavailable service requested: %s" % unavailable)

        inject = dict((k, v) for k, v in
                      if k in args)

        return func(**inject)

    def inject(self, name, obj):
        self._services[name] = obj

class Config(dict):
    """Wrapper for Pyblish configuration file.

    .. note:: Config is a singleton.

        CONFIGPATH: Path to configuration, overridable
            via environment variable PYBLISHCONFIGPATH.

        >>> config = Config()
        >>> for key, value in config.iteritems():
        ...     assert key in config
        >>> assert Config() is Config()


    _instance = None

    CONFIGPATH = (os.environ.get("PYBLISHCONFIGPATH") or
                  os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.yaml"))

    log = logging.getLogger("pyblish.Config")

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Make Config into a singleton"""
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = super(Config, cls).__new__(
                cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instance

    def reset(self):
        """Remove all configuration and re-read from disk"""

        # Deprecated and undocumented variables
            "validators_regex": "^validate_.*\.py$",
            "extractors_regex": "^extract_.*\.py$",
            "selectors_regex": "^select_.*\.py$",
            "conformers_regex": "^conform_.*\.py$",
            "collectors_regex": "^collect_.*\.py$",
            "integrators_regex": "^integrate_.*\.py$",
            "commit_template": "{prefix}/{date}/{family}/{instance}",
            "publish_by_default": True,
            "prefix": "published",
            "identifier": "publishable"

    def load(self):
        """Load default configuration from package dir"""
        with open(self.CONFIGPATH, "r") as f:
            loaded_data = yaml.load(f)

        for key, value in loaded_data.iteritems():
            self[key] = value

        return True

def evaluate_pre11(plugin):
    """Determine whether the plug-in is pre-1.1"""
    plugin.__pre11__ = False

    if hasattr(plugin, "process_context"):
        plugin.__pre11__ = True
        plugin.process = plugin.process_context

    if hasattr(plugin, "process_instance"):
        plugin.__pre11__ = True
        plugin.process = plugin.process_instance

    # Repair is deprecated
    if hasattr(plugin, "repair_context"):
        plugin.__pre11__ = True = plugin.repair_context

    if hasattr(plugin, "repair_instance"):
        plugin.__pre11__ = True = plugin.repair_instance

def evaluate_enabledness(plugin):
    """Deterimine whether the plug-in supports Context/Instance"""
    plugin.__contextEnabled__ = False
    plugin.__instanceEnabled__ = False

    args_ = inspect.getargspec(plugin.process).args

    if "instance" in args_:
        plugin.__instanceEnabled__ = True

    if "context" in args_:
        plugin.__contextEnabled__ = True

    # Forwards-compatibility with asset
    if "asset" in args_:
        plugin.__instanceEnabled__ = True

def append_logger(plugin):
    """Append logger to plugin

    The logger will include a plug-in's final name, as defined
    by the subclasser. For example, if a plug-in is defined, subclassing
    :class:`Plugin`, it's given name will be present in log records.


    module = plugin.__module__
    name = plugin.__name__

    # Package name appended, for filtering of LogRecord instances
    logname = "pyblish.%s.%s" % (module, name)
    plugin.log = logging.getLogger(logname)

    # All messages are handled by root-logger
    plugin.log.propagate = True

class MetaPlugin(type):
    """Rewrite plug-ins written prior to 1.1

    ..warning:: In case of plug-ins written prior to 1.1,
        that also process both instance and context,
        only the instance process will remain available.


    def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(MetaPlugin, cls).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class Plugin(object): """Base-class for plugins Attributes: hosts: Optionally limit a plug-in to one or more hosts families: Optionally limit a plug-in to one or more families label: Printed name of plug-in active: Whether or not to use plug-in during processing version: Optional version for forwards-compatibility. Pyblish is (currently not) using the version to allow for plug-ins incompatible with a particular running instance of Pyblish to co-exist alongside compatible versions. order: Order in which this plug-in is processed. This is used internally to control which plug-ins are processed before another so as to allow plug-ins to communicate with each other. E.g. one plug-in may provide critical information to another and so must be allowed to be processed first. optional: Whether or not plug-in can be skipped by the user. requires: Which version of Pyblish is required by this plug-in. Plug-ins requiring a version newer than the current version will not be loaded. 1.0.8 was when :attr:`Plugin.requires` was first introduced. actions: Actions associated to this plug-in """ __metaclass__ = MetaPlugin hosts = ["*"] families = ["*"] label = None active = True version = (0, 0, 0) order = -1 optional = False requires = "pyblish>=1" actions = [] id = pyblish.lib.classproperty(lambda cls: cls.__name__) def __str__(self): return self.label or type(self).__name__ def __repr__(self): return u"%s.%s(%r)" % (__name__, type(self).__name__, self.__str__())
[docs] def process(self): """Primary processing method This method is called whenever your plug-in is invoked and is injected with object relative to it's signature. E.g. process(self, context, instance) will have the current context and instance injected into it at run-time. Available objects: - context - instance - user - time Raises: Any error """ pass
[docs] def repair(self): """DEPRECATED""" pass
class Collector(Plugin): """Parse a given working scene for available Instances""" order = 0
[docs]class Validator(Plugin): """Validate/check/test individual instance for correctness.""" order = 1
[docs]class Extractor(Plugin): """Physically separate Instance from Host into corresponding resources""" order = 2
class Integrator(Plugin): """Integrates publishes into a pipeline""" order = 3 # Backwards-compatibility aliases Selector = Collector Conformer = Integrator class MetaAction(type): """Inject additional metadata into Action""" def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): cls.__error__ = None if cls.on not in ("all", "processed", "failed", "succeeded"): cls.__error__ = ( "Action had an unrecognised value " "for `on`: \"%s\"" % cls.on ) return super(MetaAction, cls).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @pyblish.lib.log class Action(object): """User-supplied interactive action Subclass this class and append to Plugin.actions in order to provide your users with optional, context sensitive functionality. Attributes: label: Optional label to display in place of class name. active: Whether or not to allow execution of action. on: When to enable this action; available options are: - "all": Always available (default). - "processed": The plug-in has been processed - "succeeded": The plug-in has been processed, and succeeded - "failed": The plug-in has been processed, and failed icon: Name, relative path or absolute path to image for use as an icon of this action. For relative paths, the current working directory of the host is used and names represent icons available via Awesome Icons. """ __metaclass__ = MetaAction __type__ = "action" label = None active = True on = "all" icon = None id = pyblish.lib.classproperty(lambda cls: cls.__name__) def __str__(self): return self.label or type(self).__name__ def __repr__(self): return u"%s.%s(%r)" % (__name__, type(self).__name__, self.__str__()) def process(self): pass class Separator(Action): __type__ = "separator" def Category(label): return type("Category", (Action,), {"label": label, "__type__": "category"}) @contextlib.contextmanager def logger(handler): """Listen in on the global logger Arguments: handler (Handler): Custom handler with which to use to listen for log messages """ l = logging.getLogger() old_level = l.level l.addHandler(handler) l.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: yield finally: l.removeHandler(handler) l.setLevel(old_level) def process(plugin, context, instance=None, action=None): """Produce a single result from a Plug-in Arguments: plugin(Plugin): Uninstantiated plug-in class context(Context): The current Context instance(Instance, optional): Instance to process action(str): Id of action to process, in place of plug-in. Returns: Dictionary of result """ import time result = { "success": False, "plugin": plugin, "instance": instance, "action": action, "error": None, "records": list(), "duration": None, } if not action: runner = plugin().process else: actions = dict((, a) for a in plugin.actions) action = actions[action] if action else None runner = action().process records = list() handler = pyblish.lib.MessageHandler(records) provider = pyblish.plugin.Provider() provider.inject("plugin", plugin) provider.inject("context", context) provider.inject("instance", instance) __start = time.time() try: with logger(handler): provider.invoke(runner) result["success"] = True except Exception as error: pyblish.lib.extract_traceback(error) result["error"] = error __end = time.time() for record in records: result["records"].append(record) result["duration"] = (__end - __start) * 1000 # ms if "results" not in["results"] = list()["results"].append(result) # Backwards compatibility result["asset"] = instance # Deprecated key return result def repair(plugin, context, instance=None): """Produce single result from repairing""" import time if "results" not in["results"] = list() result = { "success": False, "plugin": plugin, "instance": instance, "error": None, "records": list(), "duration": None } plugin = plugin() records = list() handler = pyblish.lib.MessageHandler(records) provider = pyblish.plugin.Provider() provider.inject("context", context) provider.inject("instance", instance) __start = time.time() try: with logger(handler): provider.invoke( result["success"] = True except Exception as error: pyblish.lib.extract_traceback(error) result["error"] = error __end = time.time() for record in records: result["records"].append(record) result["duration"] = (__end - __start) * 1000 # ms["results"].append(result) return result class _Dict(dict): """Temporary object during transition from set_data to data dictionary""" def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def __call__(self, key=None, default=None): if key is None: return self.copy() if key == "name": default = return self.get(key, default) def deprecated(func): """Deprecation decorator Attach this to deprecated functions or methods. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): warnings.warn_explicit( "Call to deprecated function {}.".format(func.__name__), category=DeprecationWarning, filename=func.func_code.co_filename, lineno=func.func_code.co_firstlineno + 1) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class AbstractEntity(list): """Superclass for Context and Instance""" def __init__(self): = _Dict(self) @deprecated
[docs] def add(self, other): """DEPRECATED - USE .append Add member to self This is to mimic the interface of set() """ return self.append(other)
[docs] def remove(self, other): """DEPRECATED - USE .pop Remove member from self This is to mimic the interface of set() """ index = self.index(other) return self.pop(index)
[docs]class Context(AbstractEntity): """Maintain a collection of Instances""" id = property(lambda self: "Context")
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): """Support both Instance objects and `id` strings Example: >>> context = Context() >>> instance = context.create_instance("MyInstance") >>> "MyInstance" in context True >>> instance in context True >>> "NotExists" in context False """ try: key = except: pass return key in [ for c in self]
[docs] def create_instance(self, name, **kwargs): """Convenience method of the following. >>> ctx = Context() >>> inst = Instance("name", parent=ctx) Example: >>> ctx = Context() >>> inst = ctx.create_instance(name="Name") """ instance = Instance(name, parent=self) return instance
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Enable support for dict-like getting of children by id Example: >>> context = Context() >>> instance = context.create_instance("MyInstance") >>> assert context["MyInstance"].name == "MyInstance" >>> assert context[0].name == "MyInstance" >>> assert context.get("MyInstance").name == "MyInstance" """ if isinstance(item, int): return super(Context, self).__getitem__(item) try: return next(c for c in self if == item) except StopIteration: raise KeyError("%s not in list" % item)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): try: return next(c for c in self if == key) except StopIteration: return default
[docs] def create_asset(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.create_instance(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add(self, other): return super(Context, self).append(other)
[docs]class Instance(AbstractEntity): """An in-memory representation of one or more files Examples include rigs, models. Arguments: name (str): Name of instance, typically used during extraction as name of resulting files. parent (AbstractEntity): Optional parent. This is supplied automatically when creating instances with :class:`Context.create_instance()`. Attributes: id (str): Unique identifier of instance name (str): Name of instance parent (AbstractEntity): Optional parent of instance """ id = property(lambda self: def __eq__(self, other): return == getattr(other, "id", None) def __ne__(self, other): return != getattr(other, "id", None) def __repr__(self): return u"%s.%s(\"%s\")" % (__name__, type(self).__name__, self) def __str__(self): return def __init__(self, name, parent=None): super(Instance, self).__init__() assert isinstance(name, basestring) assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, AbstractEntity) = name self.parent = parent["name"] = name["family"] = "default" if parent is not None: parent.append(self) @property
[docs] def context(self): """Return top-level parent; the context""" parent = self.parent while parent: try: parent = parent.parent except: break assert isinstance(parent, Context) return parent # Forwards-compatibility alias
Asset = Instance def current_host(): """Return host last registered thru `register_host()` When running Pyblish from within a host, this function determines which host is running and returns the equivalent keyword. Example: >> # Running within Autodesk Maya >> current_host() "maya" >> # Running within Sidefx Houdini >> current_host() "houdini" >> # Running from an unknown software >> current_host() "unknown" """ return pyblish._registered_hosts[-1] or "unknown" def register_plugin(plugin): """Register a new plug-in Arguments: plugin (Plugin): Plug-in to register Raises: TypeError if `plugin` is not callable """ if not hasattr(plugin, "__call__"): raise TypeError("Plug-in must be callable " "returning an instance of a class") if not plugin_is_valid(plugin): raise TypeError("Plug-in invalid: %s", plugin) if not version_is_compatible(plugin): raise TypeError( "Plug-in %s not compatible with " "this version (%s) of Pyblish." % ( plugin, pyblish.__version__)) if not host_is_compatible(plugin): raise TypeError("Plug-in %s is not compatible " "with this host" % plugin) pyblish._registered_plugins[plugin.__name__] = plugin def deregister_plugin(plugin): """De-register an existing plug-in Arguments: plugin (Plugin): Existing plug-in to de-register """ pyblish._registered_plugins.pop(plugin.__name__) def deregister_all_plugins(): """De-register all plug-ins""" pyblish._registered_plugins.clear() def register_service(name, obj): """Register a new service Arguments: name (str): Name of service obj (object): Any object """ pyblish._registered_services[name] = obj def deregister_service(name): """De-register an existing service by name Arguments: name (str): Name of service """ pyblish._registered_services.pop(name) def deregister_all_services(): """De-register all existing services""" pyblish._registered_services.clear() def registered_services(): """Return the currently registered services as a dictionary .. note:: This returns a copy of the registered paths and can therefore not be modified directly. """ return pyblish._registered_services.copy()
[docs]def register_plugin_path(path): """Plug-ins are looked up at run-time from directories registered here To register a new directory, run this command along with the absolute path to where you"re plug-ins are located. Example: >>> import os >>> my_plugins = "/server/plugins" >>> register_plugin_path(my_plugins) '/server/plugins' Returns: Actual path added, including any post-processing """ if path in pyblish._registered_paths: return log.warning("Path already registered: {0}".format(path)) pyblish._registered_paths.append(path) return path
[docs]def deregister_plugin_path(path): """Remove a pyblish._registered_paths path Raises: KeyError if `path` isn't registered """ pyblish._registered_paths.remove(path)
def deregister_all_paths(): """Mainly used in tests""" pyblish._registered_paths[:] = []
[docs]def registered_paths(): """Return paths added via registration ..note:: This returns a copy of the registered paths and can therefore not be modified directly. """ return list(pyblish._registered_paths)
def registered_plugins(): """Return plug-ins added via :func:`register_plugin` .. note:: This returns a copy of the registered plug-ins and can therefore not be modified directly """ return pyblish._registered_plugins.values() def register_host(host): """Register a new host Registered hosts are used to filter discovered plug-ins by host. Example: >>> register_host("My Host") >>> "My Host" in registered_hosts() True """ if host not in pyblish._registered_hosts: pyblish._registered_hosts.append(host) def deregister_host(host, quiet=False): """Remove an already registered host Arguments: host (str): Name of host quiet (bool): Whether to raise an exception when attempting to remove a host that is not already registered. """ try: pyblish._registered_hosts.remove(host) except Exception as e: if not quiet: raise e def deregister_all_hosts(): pyblish._registered_hosts[:] = [] def registered_hosts(): """Return the currently registered hosts""" return list(pyblish._registered_hosts)
[docs]def configured_paths(): """Return paths added via configuration""" paths = list() config = Config() for path_template in config["paths"]: variables = {"pyblish": pyblish.lib.main_package_path()} plugin_path = path_template.format(**variables) paths.append(plugin_path) return paths
[docs]def environment_paths(): """Return paths added via environment variable""" paths = list() config = Config() env_var = config["paths_environment_variable"] env_val = os.environ.get(env_var) if env_val: env_paths = env_val.split(os.pathsep) for path in env_paths: paths.append(path) log.debug("Paths from environment: %s" % env_paths) return paths
[docs]def plugin_paths(): """Collect paths from all sources. This function looks at the three potential sources of paths and returns a list with all of them together. The sources are: - Registered paths using :func:`register_plugin_path`, - Paths from the environment variable `PYBLISHPLUGINPATH` - Paths from configuration Returns: list of paths in which plugins may be locat """ paths = list() for path in registered_paths() + configured_paths() + environment_paths(): if path in paths: continue paths.append(path) return paths
[docs]def discover(type=None, regex=None, paths=None): """Find and return available plug-ins This function looks for files within paths registered via :func:`register_plugin_path` and those added to `PYBLISHPLUGINPATH`. It determines *type* - :class:`Selector`, :class:`Validator`, :class:`Extractor` or :class:`Conform` - based on whether it matches it's corresponding regular expression; e.g. "$validator_*^" for plug-ins of type Validator. Arguments: type (str, optional): !DEPRECATED! Only return plugins of specified type. E.g. validators, extractors. In None is specified, return all plugins. Available options are "selectors", validators", "extractors", "conformers", "collectors" and "integrators". regex (str, optional): Limit results to those matching `regex`. Matching is done on classes, as opposed to filenames, due to a file possibly hosting multiple plugins. paths (list, optional): Paths to discover plug-ins from. If no paths are provided, all paths are searched. """ if type is not None: warnings.warn("type argument has been deprecated and does nothing") if regex is not None: warnings.warn(" regex argument " "has been deprecated and does nothing") plugins = dict() # Include plug-ins from registered paths for path in paths or plugin_paths(): path = os.path.normpath(path) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue for fname in os.listdir(path): if fname.startswith("_"): continue abspath = os.path.join(path, fname) if not os.path.isfile(abspath): continue mod_name, mod_ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if not mod_ext == ".py": continue module = types.ModuleType(mod_name) module.__file__ = abspath try: execfile(abspath, module.__dict__) # Store reference to original module, to avoid # garbage collection from collecting it's global # imports, such as `import os`. sys.modules[mod_name] = module except Exception as err: log.debug("Skipped: \"%s\" (%s)", mod_name, err) continue for plugin in plugins_from_module(module): if in plugins: log.debug("Duplicate plug-in found: %s", plugin) continue plugins[] = plugin # Include plug-ins from registration. # Directly registered plug-ins take precedence. for name, plugin in pyblish._registered_plugins.iteritems(): if name in plugins: log.debug("Duplicate plug-in found: %s", plugin) continue plugins[name] = plugin plugins = plugins.values() sort(plugins) # In-place return plugins
def plugins_from_module(module): """Return plug-ins from module Arguments: module (types.ModuleType): Imported module from which to parse valid Pyblish plug-ins. Returns: List of plug-ins, or empty list if none is found. """ plugins = list() for name in dir(module): if name.startswith("_"): continue # It could be anything at this point obj = getattr(module, name) if not inspect.isclass(obj): continue if not issubclass(obj, Plugin): continue if not plugin_is_valid(obj): log.debug("Plug-in invalid: %s", obj) continue if not version_is_compatible(obj): log.debug("Plug-in %s not compatible with " "this version (%s) of Pyblish." % ( obj, pyblish.__version__)) continue if not host_is_compatible(obj): continue plugins.append(obj) return plugins def plugin_is_valid(plugin): """Determine whether or not plug-in `plugin` is valid Arguments: plugin (Plugin): Plug-in to assess """ if not isinstance(plugin.requires, basestring): log.debug("Plug-in requires must be of type string: %s", plugin) return False if not isinstance(plugin.families, list): log.debug(".families must be list of stirngs") return False if not isinstance(plugin.hosts, list): log.debug(".hosts must be list of strings") return False for family in plugin.families: if not isinstance(family, basestring): log.debug("Families must be string") return False for host in plugin.hosts: if not isinstance(host, basestring): log.debug("Hosts must be string") return False return True def version_is_compatible(plugin): """Lookup compatibility between plug-in and current version of Pyblish Arguments: plugin (Plugin): Plug-in to test against """ if not iscompatible.iscompatible(requirements=plugin.requires, version=pyblish.version_info): return False return True def host_is_compatible(plugin): """Determine whether plug-in `plugin` is compatible with the current host Available hosts are determined by :func:`registered_hosts`. Arguments: plugin (Plugin): Plug-in to assess. """ if "*" in plugin.hosts: return True return any(host in plugin.hosts for host in registered_hosts()) def sort(plugins): """Sort `plugins` in-place Their order is determined by their `order` attribute, which defaults to their standard execution order: 1. Selection 2. Validation 3. Extraction 4. Conform *But may be overridden. Arguments: plugins (list): Plug-ins to sort """ plugins.sort(key=lambda p: p.order) return plugins # Compatibility # # The below members represent backwards compatibility # features, kept separate for maintainability as they # will no longer be updated and eventually discarded. def set_data(self, key, value): """DEPRECATED - USE .data DICTIONARY DIRECTLY Modify/insert data into entity Arguments: key (str): Name of data to add value (object): Value of data to add """[key] = value def remove_data(self, key): """DEPRECATED - USE .data DICTIONARY DIRECTLY Remove data from entity Arguments; key (str): Name of data to remove """ def has_data(self, key): """DEPRECATED - USE .data DICTIONARY DIRECTLY Check if entity has key Arguments: key (str): Key to check Return: True if it exists, False otherwise """ return key in AbstractEntity.set_data = set_data AbstractEntity.remove_data = remove_data AbstractEntity.has_data = has_data